We’ve changed the venue!

Don’t worry…it’s still in City Park.
Click Here for more information.

The Marriage of Jenny Green and Peter Browne

The 26th of September, 2009

Parkview Terrace in City Park | New Orleans, LA

Map of City Park

Pavilion of the Two Sisters

From I-10 West

  1. Take the I-10 Ramp at the 610 Split
  2. Take exit 231A towards City Park Ave.
  3. Take a left at the first light onto City Park Ave.
  4. Turn left under the archway onto Anseman Ave.
  5. Take the first right onto Dreyfous Dr.
  6. Park in the parking lot on your left
  7. Walk to the Botanical Garden on Victory Ave.
    and enter through the iron gates


Your presence is present enough!

However, should you choose to purchase a gift we have registered at The Pampered Chef, Bed Bath and Beyond, and Sears.